Saturday, April 21, 2007

Data flow direction

Before goods come to CDC, Buying department should analyze sales data from previous or current seasons according to season, region, store, etc and order optimal quantity from suppliers. Some data is sent to CDC and regional warehouses. The data sent to CDC consists of which goods are to come, order quantity, number of deliveries if goods are shipped in a number of deliveries, and the minimum quantity the regional warehouses should have of that goods. The minimum quantity of products may differ from warehouse to warehouse. The data sent to regional warehouses specifies which regional store which product to sent in what quantity and the minimum quantity that should always be in that store after product comes to regional warehouse. When supplier ships the products ordered, data of shipping information is sent to CDC. When products come to CDC, goods are picked for regional warehouses. If goods are new and will be shipped to regional warehouses for the first time, the launch quantity is collected according to the data sent from Buying dept. If the product to be picked has been collected and sent to a regional warehouse before then the current quantity of that product in the regional warehouse is taken into account and the quantity sent to regional warehouse from CDC is equal to minimum quantity of that product in the regional warehouse minus quantity sent from that warehouse to regional stores from the last delivery to the date product picked in CDC. When a store sells a product the information is sent to regional warehouse. Regional warehouse generates a picking work order for warehouse employees. When the goods in work order are picked, the work order is closed and the data is sent to CDC so CDC calculates the quantity of goods left in the regional warehouse. The same information is sent to stores so stores know which goods will come by the next delivery.

Minimum quantity for stores may change according to sales data. But the quantity ordered from suppliers can not change because supplier make order of row materials according to first data sent by Buying dept.

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